Hello, my name is Nir!
I am engaged with Movement since my teen years, and more so as I rediscovered it’s elaborated quality in my twenties.
The inquiry into the resonance of Body & Mind lead me to travel the world east and west, seeking mentors and teachers from various traditions to connect the dots, into something that would become a passion and make internal sense for me.
Movement is greater than a particular action we perform, it is beyond repetition. It can still be very ordinary.
I came to Rolfing® after practicing Buddhist meditation and Ashtanga Yoga as well as teaching before being inspired by the work of Dr. Ida Rolf and the research of connective tissue and Fascia, as embedded in Movement.
In Boulder, Colorado I was trained at the ‘Dr. Ida Rolf Institute’ DIRI (formerly known as the ‘Rolf Institute of Structural Integration’ RISI) and in Munich, Germany at the ‘European Rolfing Association’ ERA.
However, education does not end anywhere. We never arrive anywhere really. The whole process of Movement is learning new skills, implementing, re-assessing. In a way, we are constantly re-mapping the system.
Approaching Rolfing and Movement education with a background in Philosophy and Art, an eye for detail, my motivation is to inspire and to promote contemplative quality in others, so they can grow an appreciation for the learning process, and explore new pathways of mindfulness and movement in practice.
As a practicing Rolfer and Movement Practitioner, and a long-term Yoga aspirant I integrate modalities to support the exploration of one’s center of Gravity with hands-on bodywork and further movement education.
I’ll be delighted to accompany you on your path to finding Movement and growth.
– Nir
“When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through.
Then, spontaneously, the body heals itself.
There is an ongoing psychological change as well toward balance, toward serenity, toward a more whole person. The whole person evinces a more apparent, more potent psychic development.”
Dr. Ida P. Rolf
What is Rolfing?
It releases connective tissue (Fascia) in the body segments and restores greater freedom and ease that are created from repetitive movement, injuries, restrictions and accumulated tension.
Rolfing realigns and promotes balance in the whole individual expression in relation to the field of Gravity by re-educating and establishing a better support and adaptability of the systems and segments that are working within the body.