Connect and start to Align

To schedule your free information call, please call the telephone numbers below or fill in the following contact form. I’m looking forward to connecting with you.


Nir Tiomkin
Certified Advanced Rolfer™
Rolf Movement Practitioner™

Oranienburger Str. 22
10178 Berlin, Mitte

S Oranienburger Straße S1 S2 S25 S26
U Oranienburger Tor U6
Metro Monbijouplatz M1 M5 M8

Map See Below

Tel: +49 30 234 77419
Mobile: +49 178 519 3222

Email: info(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)


Please fill in the enquiry form below:

Nir Tiomkin Rolfing® and Movement Berlin



Rolfing® Structural Integration and Yoga
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